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Case study: securing non-executive and board roles


In this article, we asked Paul Barber, NED Accelerator® graduate to reflect on his journey to securing board roles. He also explains how he used his membership with NEDonBoard, Institute of Board Members to secure two board roles.

When thinking about taking on trusted advisor and NED roles, I felt very keenly – and still do – that I wanted to help businesses in the Food and Beverages industries, where much of my professional experience had been gained. I have been lucky to have executive roles that have taken me all over the world working in retail and hospitality and so I felt from the outset of my membership with NEDonBoard, Institute of Board Members that I wanted to use my experience and to explore opportunities to work with individuals and companies in those sectors.

Although opportunities were limited, I was delighted to meet a young entrepreneur making delicious overnight oats products at one of the Dragons’ Den style connecting events organised by NEDonBoard, Institute of Board Members. Very quickly I became a Trusted Advisor to the company, and we have had a fantastic, if at times very challenging, time growing the brand and managing the many vicissitudes that can occur as a new business is built. We have re-sourced manufacturing to Europe after a period of review, and new customers in the shape of leading UK supermarkets are being landed as I write. I help with all aspects of business including customer-facing liaison and manufacturing selections. It is hugely satisfying, and it is a way of broadening one’s experience and which will undoubtedly feed into broader business perspectives.

In late summer 2023, in the search for a full NED role, I responded by email to the founder of African Cocoa Marketplace (ACM), also a fellow NEDonBoard member, who was leveraging the jobs board to promote her vacancy. I included a simple intro and a link to my LinkedIn account. The founder was travelling through London not long after and so we met for coffee. In my search for a NED role, I had thought that I would probably join an existing business with a considerable track record! However, it was clear that ACM was a new business with all the usual start up challenges, but, crucially, it was backed up by decades of academic research by the founder. And so, I have become a supporter/NED of the founder as she establishes the principles, processes and governance for ACM and begins to engage in campaigns to improve farmer revenues in key West African cocoa-producing countries.

What I’ve learned from these two roles is that the starting point is quite probably not going to be how the opportunity to support businesses works out! Indeed, clarifying the way one interacts and what one can offer is a central part of the initial interaction. One has to work reasonably hard to capture the roles that one wants. Thereafter, keeping support pithy, relevant and timely is important even if some of the needs are more far-reaching – and one might have to provide skills and actions quite extensively.

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NEDonBoard success story: accessing exclusive advisory board opportunities

Taking the next steps

To emulate Paul’s success, we invite you to consider our dedicated training to fast-track your journey to the boardroom:

To access the jobs board and attend our member-only Dragons’ Den style connecting events, join today:
