Bristol: Board Community Networking Series

Bristol Parkway

Building and maintaining a board level network is an important component of developing a non-executive director portfolio. This informal meet is a great opportunity to reconnect with your NED peers and establish new board level connections. Many NED appointments still originate through word of mouth; and as business and governance evolve, discussing current boardroom themes with […]

London (in-person): Board Community Networking Series

Drake & Morgan, 6 Pancras Sq, London, N1C 4AG

Building and maintaining a board level network is an important component of developing a non-executive director portfolio. This informal coffee/drinks meet is a great opportunity to reconnect with your NED peers and establish new board level connections in a face-to-face environment. Many NED appointments still originate through word of mouth; and as business and governance […]

Edinburgh: Board Community Networking Series

Location TBC (Edinburgh)

Building and maintaining a board level network is an important component of developing a non-executive director portfolio. This informal meet is a great opportunity to reconnect with your NED peers and establish new board level connections in a face-to-face environment. Many NED appointments still originate through word of mouth; and as business and governance evolve, discussing […]

Birmingham (in-person): Board Community Networking Series

Assay Studios, 141 Newhall Street, Birmingham, B3 1SF Assay Studios, 141 Newhall Street, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Building and maintaining a board level network is an important component of developing a non-executive director portfolio. This informal meet is a great opportunity to reconnect with your NED peers and establish new board level connections in a face-to-face environment. Many NED appointments still originate through word of mouth; and as business and governance evolve, discussing […]

Cambridge (in-person): Board Community Networking Series

Mills & Reeve, Botanic House 100 Hills Road CB2 1PH

This event will enable you to explore current sustainability board themes and expand your local board network.   Keep current in the boardroom Chairing the session is NEDonBoard Ambassador Natacha Wilson. Hosted at law firm Mills & Reeve, NEDs will have the opportunity to hear latest sustainability insights, and explore practical perspectives with board peers. […]