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Materiality – Sharing Practical Board Perspectives

This online roundtable discussion, Chaired by NEDonBoard member and portfolio NED Tania Songini, provides opportunity for experienced NEDs to share experiences as well as learn from your board peers in a safe and interactive environment - and includes participation of board members from different sectors and industries. We will begin with latest insights from the […]


Remuneration Committee Chairs – Topical Challenges and Leading Practices

Introducing the 2024 Remuneration Committee Chairs Roundtable Series: Elevate Your Expertise. This online roundtable discussion is for experienced Remuneration Committee Chairs on a mission to identify common challenges, and share evolving and leading practices with peers. What to Expect: ✨ An exclusive space crafted by and for seasoned Remuneration Committee Chairs like yourself. ✨ Engage […]


Boardroom Dynamics: Navigating Unhealthy Behaviours and Strategies for Constructive Engagement


Boardroom dynamics can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of a board.  Understanding how to navigate challenging board behaviours and influence a more effective board culture is a skill to master for current and future roles. As a seasoned NED, Trustee or Chair - what has been your experience of navigating toxic board behaviours […]


Membership Body Boards: Nuances and Leading Practices


How boards operate varies. This online roundtable discussion is dedicated to our community who serve on boards of membership bodies, to discuss nuances, challenges and leading practices with NED peers in a safe and interactive environment. Connect with fellow NEDs and share practical experiences and perspectives.   This session is open to: Board members with […]


Technology NEDs: How to Prioritise Technology Advancements at Board Level


This online roundtable is specifically for a small group of experienced NEDs to share experiences on the theme of 'How to Prioritise Technology Advancements at Board Level'.   Who Will Be There: 🤝 Connect with fellow experienced board members representing a spectrum of sectors and industries. Share your wisdom, challenge the status quo, and grow […]


Funding and Strategy – Peer Insights for Non-Profits, Charities and Education Trusts


This online roundtable is specifically for a small group of experienced NEDs / trustees within Non-Profits, Charities and Education Trusts to share Funding and Strategy challenges and leading practices. To participate to this roundtable, criteria apply.   Who Will Be There: 🤝 Connect with fellow experienced board members currently serving Non-Profit and Charitable organisations, as well […]


Modern Board Strategies for a Diverse, Tech-Enabled, Multi-Generational Workforce


This online roundtable is designed for a small group of experienced NEDs and board members to explore board strategies to navigate the challenges and complexities associated with diverse, tech-enabled and multi-generational workforce. To participate to this roundtable, criteria apply.   Who will chair the discussion: The session will be chaired by member Liz Gebhard. Liz has […]


How Can Board Chair and Committee Chairs Engage Together Effectively?


This online roundtable is designed for a small group of experienced NEDs and board members to explore practical examples of how Board Chair and Committee Chairs can engage effectively together. This session is brought to you based on member feedback on the significant impact a board chair / committee chair has on the effectiveness of […]


NED Perspectives – Stimulating Growth in the Economy


This online roundtable, chaired by member Sir James Wates, is specifically for a small group of experienced NEDs to discuss with peers: 'What advice would you, as NEDs/senior directors give to government on how to engage/partner with business to stimulate growth in the economy?'   To participate to this roundtable, criteria apply.   Who Will […]


Remuneration Committee Chairs – Topical Challenges and Leading Practices


This online roundtable discussion is for experienced Remuneration Committee Chairs on a mission to identify common challenges, and share evolving and leading practices with peers. Format: ✨The roundtable will begin with a presentation by Mercer, detailing latest trends and insights. ✨Followed by an interactive and practical exchange of experiences, perspectives and example practices shared by […]
